The Redlich Horwitz Foundation recently published a Best Practices Inventory —
a roadmap showing how agencies can attract and support amazing foster families. Their eight recommendations cover the full scope of agencies’ work with kinship and foster families, from identifying and recruiting families through training and ongoing support. nnnTheir Best Practice #3, “Develop a Customer Service Mentality with Prospective Foster Parents”, identifies the importance of respecting and supporting foster parents through each interaction. An important piece of this is matching children with foster families who are a good fit and who can best meet their needs. The Redlich Horwitz Foundation identifies ECAP as a research-backed way to use innovative technology to support the matching process. When children and families are matched in a thoughtful and scientific way, children thrive and families feel more confident and successful in their fostering abilities.nnnRead the entire “Foster & Kinship Parent Recruitment and Support Best Practice Inventory” for more information on finding and keeping successful foster families.
#recognitionforECAP #placementmatching #fosterfamillies