Release Notes 7/1/24
What’s New
- Various updates were made to provide more clarity to the user and a better overall user experience. Updates made to the following:
- Send Email Notification to the Contracted Agency.
- Verbiage in the email was adjusted to account for different types of possible contact logs.
- Shows ‘Current Only’ on the Search Page
- Update was made so that only current FFP users show when the ‘Show Current Only’ toggle is on, in addition to current ECAP clients and providers.
- Date Validations
- Update made to provide messaging if error does not enter date in correct formatting.
- Send Email Notification to the Contracted Agency.
Additional Updates
- Sprint 42 starts today, 7/1/24 and goes through 7/2/24.
- The next release is targeted for the evening of 7/15/24.
Release Notes 6/17/24
What’s New
- Translations for Illinois
- With continuous updates to translations, this provides an easier and cleaner user experience for speakers of the following languages:
- French
- Spanish
- Polish
- With continuous updates to translations, this provides an easier and cleaner user experience for speakers of the following languages:
- UI Updates
- Various updates made to provide more clarity to the user, and an overall better user experience. Updates made to the following areas:
- Edit/End Placement Modal on Client Profile
- Notification Indicators on mobile
- Selectable Algorithm dropdown on Best Match List
- Various updates made to provide more clarity to the user, and an overall better user experience. Updates made to the following areas:
- Send Email Notification to Contracted Agency
- The agency will receive a notification through email that a family has received a match to review when a worker not yet part of the contracting agency contacts a provider associated with the contracting agency. This will provide more awareness for the agency when a family is contacted.
Bug Fixes
- Contact History by Provider or Provider Agency
- This fix restored Client County and Contact Log Date/Time where previously these were not returning results.
Additional Updates
- Sprint 40 started today, 6/17/24 and goes through 6/28/24.
- The next release will be targeted for 7/1/24.