Starting with ECAP

Logging in & Navigating ECAP

Start here. This video shows how to access ECAP.
It reviews the pages in ECAP and their purposes.

Managing Providers

Adding Providers

This video shows how to add providers (e.g. foster families) to ECAP and how to update their profiles and preferences so they match correctly with children who need placements.

Editing Providers

This video shows how to add providers (e.g. foster families) to ECAP and how to update their profiles and preferences so they match correctly with children who need placements.

Children in Need of Placements

Understanding the Intake List

This video describes the purpose of the Intake List (the list of children needing placements) and helps workers navigate it effectively. The video shows how to go from the Intake List to the list of providers who match with the client for placement purposes.

Adding Clients to the Intake List

This video demonstrates how to add clients (foster children) to ECAP and how to complete Assessments for children who are already in ECAP. When a child needs a placement, an Assessment must be done, and the child must be added to the Intake List, in order to search for matching providers.

Sibling Groups

This video shows how to link siblings into “Intake Groups” in order to search for foster families who can take all the siblings in the group. It also discusses the difference between a permanent sibling relationship in ECAP and a temporary Intake Group.

Finding Placement Options for Children

The Best Match List

This video explains how ECAP’s matching process works and how to understand the matching results. It shows the tools you can use in making placement decisions, including filters, a map, and the matching columns, data, and icons.

Calling Families about Placements

This video shows how to log calls you have made to the families regarding placement opportunities. It also shows how those logged contacts affect the Best Match List and where the contact histories for the child and for the families are displayed.

Making Placements in ECAP

This shows you how to record placements in ECAP and how to remove clients from the Intake List for reasons other than a placement being made.

Other Features and Insights

Rooms and Beds feature

This video explains how the Rooms and Beds feature works, how to add Rooms & Beds to a provider’s profile, how to use the information in placement matching, and how to update them when making a placement